
Omorate is situated at the Omo river about 2 hours drive from Turmi and almost as deep as one can get into the Omo valley if not crossing the river and travelling further down south to Lake Turkana and the Kenyan border. The banks of Omo river are quite steep but in the rainy season even the banks will become flooded.
In Omorate one can also cross over the river to the Daassanach village where the Daassanach people of southern Ethiopia and the Omo valley stay part of the year with their cattle and goats. Since the Daassanach have semi nomadic migration patterns that relates to the rain and greener pastures for their livestock, their houses are not built to be permanent structures in the landscape, but merely as periodical shelters.
The Daassanach (also known as the Marille or Geleba) are a Cushitic ethnic group inhabiting parts of Ehiopia, Kenya and South Sudan. The Daasanach are traditionally pastoralists but in recent years have become primarily agropastoral.